

View your GitHub artifacts in the browser.


artifact.ci is a GitHub App that provides browsable links for artifacts uploaded during GitHub Actions workflow runs.

View test reports, code coverage, PDFs, images, and more, directly in your browser. No more downloading and unzipping.

It’s a small tool which solves a specific, hopefully temporary, shortcoming of GitHub Actions. To use it, all you need to do is install the app. Then use actions/upload-artifact as normal in your workflow. It will add a link to view any artifacts uploaded via GitHub checks.

View your artifacts now

Here’s an end-to-end example of a repo installing the app, then using vitest’s HTML report to view test results in-browser:

Here’s an example of what the GitHub App produces, on the expect-type repo: it’s a simple link to the viewable artifact as a GitHub check: https://github.com/mmkal/expect-type/runs/31567129309


CI jobs often generate useful HTML reports (test results, coverage, etc.). GitHub Actions doesn’t provide a way to view these directly. The existing option is to use actions/upload-artifact, then download it as a zip file, unzip it on your local machine, and then poke around at the files or run a local server. This app fills that gap, letting you view artifacts in your browser without downloading and unzipping.

This should really be a feature built into GitHub, and likely one day will be, but for now it isn’t. (Note: it is built into some other CI providers like CircleCI).


Guides for common tools:

Testing frameworks

Other languages


…you get the idea. If you can render it statically in a web browser, you can upload it to artifact.ci.


The app requires minimal permissions, operates read-only, and uses GitHub’s APIs and authentication. It maintains your repository’s existing access controls. See the privacy policy for more details.


This is my side project, something I built initially for my own use in support of another project I’m working on.


The actual service doesn’t have a paywall for now, and usage is free to start out with. Access may be limited to my GitHub sponsors due to storage costs. I’m giving some users and organizations free access - this is based on how much I use them myself, but if you would like to use this without sponsorship, contact me.

Usage and Availability

There’s no API surface right now. Just install the app and it should “just work” - it’ll find your artifacts automatically. There are a small number of options that can be customised, see advanced usage docs. Usage limits may be introduced in future, or a proper payments setup.

Note that the GitHub team have mentioned a built-in solution is on their radar, so hopefully this will only be necessary for a short while.